June 23, 2016

Reps. Lynda Wilson and Paul Harris to host telephone town hall June 28

  Reps. Lynda Wilson, and Paul Harris, both R-Vancouver, will host a telephone town hall on Tuesday, June 28 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. They invite all 17th Legislative District residents to join them for an hour-long community conversation on state legislative issues. To participate, residents can call (360)...
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April 26, 2016

Rep. Lynda Wilson’s Legislative Update | Final update of 2016

In my final update for 2016 I discuss my priorities and victories for the 17th District.
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April 05, 2016

Rep. Lynda Wilson honored by sportsmen, named Legislator of the Year

Rep. Lynda Wilson was named 'Legislator of the Year' by the Hunters Heritage Council.
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April 01, 2016

Rep. Lynda Wilson’s Update from Olympia | Session has ended but the work continues

In this update I discuss my vote on the 2016 supplemental operating budget.
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March 05, 2016

Vancouver teen serves as page in state House

Rep. Lynda Wilson had the honor of sponsoring page Ashleigh Fitch
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March 02, 2016

Rep. Lynda Wilson sponsors page in state House

Alyssa Peterson, a student at Cedar Tree Classical Christian School, traveled to Olympia February 22 to serve as a page in the state House of Representatives. She was sponsored by 17th district Rep. Lynda Wilson. As a page, Alyssa learned to navigate the many buildings on the Capitol campus and delivered messages and...
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February 27, 2016

The good, the bad, and the ugly: Rep. Lynda Wilson’s Budget Update from Olympia

Rep. Lynda Wilson provides you with her current Legislative Update from Olympia
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February 19, 2016

A Plan for a Plan is not a Plan: Rep. Lynda Wilson’s Update from Olympia

Rep. Lynda Wilson provides her latest Legislative Update from Olympia
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February 13, 2016

Rep. Lynda Wilson’s Legislative Update from Olympia

Rep. Lynda Wilson's Legislative Update from Olympia!
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February 05, 2016

Cutoff Casualties: Rep. Lynda Wilson’s Update from Olympia

Dear Friends and Neighbors, We are wrapping up Week 4 of this 9-week legislative session. Today marks the passing of the first major deadline of the session: policy cutoff. Today was the last day House policy bills could be heard and passed in a House committee, or Senate bills in...
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