July 19, 2024

E-News: Income tax generates less for state, leads to drop in revenue forecast

When a tax doesn’t produce as much money for government as expected, or desired, watch out for efforts to either raise the rate or make more people subject to the tax. That happened this year when the Democratic majority again tried to lift the 1% cap on the rate of...
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June 26, 2024

STATEMENT: Budget leader worries drop in state revenue will bring attempt to expand state tax on capital-gains income

OLYMPIA… The budget leader for Senate Republicans says a sharp decline in the amount of state capital-gains tax being collected is behind the largest negative state-revenue forecast since the COVID-19 pandemic. Sen. Lynda Wilson, R-Vancouver, is concerned the drop-off in income-tax revenue may prompt an effort from legislative Democrats to...
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May 15, 2024

Republicans applaud opening of Center For Behavioral Health and Learning

SEATTLE… Republican state senators who have been out front on increasing access to behavioral-health treatment and fighting the state’s opioid epidemic are marking today’s opening of a major new facility that combines treatment with training: the Center For Behavioral Health and Learning, on the University of Washington campus in Seattle....
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April 18, 2024

E-News: From guns to ‘gerrymandering’…

Hello Friends and Neighbors, It’s been well over a month since our 2024 session ended, but it sure doesn’t feel like it because of all the things that have continued to happen in the legislative arena. There’s the controversial decision from a federal judge that redrew the boundaries of our...
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March 11, 2024

E-News: That’s all, folks! Legislature ends historic session

Hello Friends and Neighbors, My 10th and final session as a state legislator (the video of my announcement is here) ended on time Thursday – several hours ahead of the midnight deadline, in fact. It was also free of the drama I’ve seen in other years as legislators try desperately...
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March 07, 2024

Senators mystified by cut in drug task force funding; lawmakers approve other Republican fentanyl proposals

OLYMPIA… Two Republican bills addressing Washington’s fentanyl crisis are headed to the governor’s office for final consideration, but senators say they are surprised by a cutback in this year’s budget for local law enforcement drug task forces. Senate Republicans offered proposals this year to combat the spread of deadly fentanyl...
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March 06, 2024

Sen. Lynda Wilson to leave Legislature after 10 years

OLYMPIA… Sen. Lynda Wilson announced today that she will not seek another term in the Legislature. Wilson, R-Vancouver, was elected to the Senate in 2016 after a term in the House of Representatives. She won a second term in 2020 but will not be a candidate for the 17th District...
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March 04, 2024

Wilson says passage of voter initiatives is ‘huge win for the people’

OLYMPIA… The Legislature today followed through on three requests from Washington voters by approving initiatives that will lift restrictions on police pursuits, ban any income tax in Washington and create a parental bill of rights in public education. Sen. Lynda Wilson helped pass Initiative 2111, Initiative 2081 and Initiative 2113...
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March 02, 2024

E-News: Three down, three to go! Initiatives are moving… and that’s a good thing!

Hello Friends and Neighbors, With less a week left in our 2024 session, I’m generally pleased with the bipartisan support for several of my bills (read below for that exciting news!) – and happier to see the progress of the voter initiatives submitted to us. Yesterday brought the next-to-last deadline...
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March 01, 2024

STATEMENT: Wilson votes to support income-tax ban, repeal of police-pursuit restrictions sought by voters

OLYMPIA… This morning a majority of members of the Senate Ways and Means Committee endorsed Initiative 2111, which would prohibit any income tax in Washington. The vote took place shortly after a majority on the Senate Law and Justice Committee had approved Initiative 2113, which would repeal the 2021 law...
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