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It is an honor to serve you as Senator for the 17th Legislative District. As a small business owner, I understand the impact decisions made in Olympia can have in Southwest Washington. That’s why I’ve made it my priority to increase job opportunities, hold government accountable, and reduce unnecessary regulations that hold our economy back.

I will protect your liberties and your hard-earned tax dollars.

The best ideas for doing this come from you. Please send me your ideas, concerns, and questions. I look forward to working with you to restore freedom, opportunity, and trust.

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Yours in service,




Lynda Wilson

Senator, 17th Legislative District

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October 25, 2024

E-News: Be sure to vote Nov. 5!

Thanks to Initiative 2113, the police-pursuit law that had been weakened by Democrats in 2021 has been fixed and can again serve as a deterrent to would-be car thieves and other criminals (this photo shows the joint Senate-House committee hearing on I-2113, from late February). Unfortunately, the effort to add fentanyl to our state’s child-endangerment...
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July 19, 2024

E-News: Income tax generates less for state, leads to drop in revenue forecast

When a tax doesn’t produce as much money for government as expected, or desired, watch out for efforts to either raise the rate or make more people subject to the tax. That happened this year when the Democratic majority again tried to lift the 1% cap on the rate of property-tax growth, through SB 5770....
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June 26, 2024

STATEMENT: Budget leader worries drop in state revenue will bring attempt to expand state tax on capital-gains income

OLYMPIA… The budget leader for Senate Republicans says a sharp decline in the amount of state capital-gains tax being collected is behind the largest negative state-revenue forecast since the COVID-19 pandemic. Sen. Lynda Wilson, R-Vancouver, is concerned the drop-off in income-tax revenue may prompt an effort from legislative Democrats to expand the tax. Wilson chairs...
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May 15, 2024

Republicans applaud opening of Center For Behavioral Health and Learning

SEATTLE… Republican state senators who have been out front on increasing access to behavioral-health treatment and fighting the state’s opioid epidemic are marking today’s opening of a major new facility that combines treatment with training: the Center For Behavioral Health and Learning, on the University of Washington campus in Seattle. Sen. Ann Rivers, Republican leader...
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April 18, 2024

E-News: From guns to ‘gerrymandering’…

Hello Friends and Neighbors, It’s been well over a month since our 2024 session ended, but it sure doesn’t feel like it because of all the things that have continued to happen in the legislative arena. There’s the controversial decision from a federal judge that redrew the boundaries of our legislative district and many others…...
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March 11, 2024

E-News: That’s all, folks! Legislature ends historic session

Hello Friends and Neighbors, My 10th and final session as a state legislator (the video of my announcement is here) ended on time Thursday – several hours ahead of the midnight deadline, in fact. It was also free of the drama I’ve seen in other years as legislators try desperately to save bills before the...
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A representative government only works when those represented take an active part in the process. I'm here to serve you, and your direct input helps me do my job better. Please don't hesitate to contact me via e-mail, phone or by mail, or make an appointment to see me in person. I look forward to hearing from you!

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